How to Do The Double Lift and the double elevator (also known as the Dual Turnover). Also, it is a vital move for any serious magician. It’s the prime movement used in various classic card tricks.
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What is the Double Lift?
It’s a sleight of hand technique where the Magician lifts two cards at the same time but makes it look like only one card (the top card on the deck). To spectators, it looks like the magician is revealing the top card, but it’s mainly the second card.
Why is it such a significant trick to master?
The double elevator is a skill which every magician practice until they can do it with their closed eyes. It’s a remarkably powerful trick that can be utilized in various magic tricks. Principally some classic tricks rely only on using double lifts (also known as the Dual Turnover).
For instance, if you can master this double lift, doing something simple as this trick below can amaze audiences.
1. Do a double lift is showing the second card but making it look like it was the top card.
2. Put the hidden top card in the center of the deck.
3. Show the new top card (which used to be the second card); it magically floated from the center of the deck back to the top.
It’s a fantastic thing to See for men and women that are unaware of this technique. Here is an illustration of how such an easy move can amaze crowds. Here David Blaine performs a trick for the Dallas Cowboys.
The entire trick revolves around doing a double lift twice, and completely misleading the viewer. You’ll see the striking effect the trick has, rather than simple techniques.
The trick by David Blaine involves two identical cards, and it is explained in more detail in this tutorial.
Types of Double lift Card Tricks
We will merely focus on four commonly used ones. There are many types of double lift and if you just learn these four types of double lifts, mastering other types will be easier for you.
You will also notice that the easier it looks on the screen, the more difficult it is to master.
1. Push Off Double Lift
This is the double lift that Chriss Angel, David Blaine, and several other professional magicians decide to use. It’s also the one that you will see in the video below where he makes it two times right in front of the Dallas Cowboys audience, and they don’t suspect a thing.
In this way you can present tricks and lift up a card from a deck is so natural and it is hard for the audience to suspect that you are raising two cards at one time.
This type is a most difficult double lift to master it You may have the ability to understand how to do it with just a little bit of practice, but it is going to take you at least more than one month to practice it before you’re prepared to do it in front of public
You should be warned though, despite the fact that it looks awesome and rarely ever draws any suspicion, it can be tricky to pull off with an older/flappy deck of cards. There’s very little room for error and a high prospect of both cards misaligning.
2. Basic Double Lift
The Standard double lift is truly easier to perform. It’s the ideal way for beginners to begin. However, it doesn’t look natural. Even you make this move correctly, it will still attract plenty of suspicions even from people who don’t know what it is.
The necessary move Contains only lifting two cards in your hand and flipping it.
As you feel more comfortable with the “feel” of picking up two cards naturally, the other processes will be a lot easier to master.
3. The Double Turnover
Double Turnover is another method that’s suitable for beginners. It’s just slightly more challenging than the simple move and looks a little bit more natural. This is because rather than lifting the cards, you just turn them over face-up on top of the deck. After showing cards, you turn them back over again.
Have a Look at What it Looks like and the way to do it in the video below.
Although it looks a lot more natural, it’s not concealed enough to make it one that professionals or experts prefer to use.
4. 2-Card Pushover
The 2-Card Pushover is By far the hardest to master. However, it is the most reliable and natural By reliable, means it performs or works well under pressure and with different conditions of a playing card.
The 2-Card Pushover is like the Double Turnover but looks much better. Have a look at the video below. You will learn in the video how to do the 2 Card Pushover
Which Move is the Best One?
The 2-Card Pushover is their move I recommend for anyone who’s prepared to spend some opportunity to practice it.
The 2 Card Pushover and the Push Off Double lift that David Blaine uses would be both more popular among specialist illusionists. However, the 2-Card Pushover works better under pressure.
But the push-off is more sensitive to mistakes (Including both cards misaligning) that the two-card pushover allows much greater control even with older decks.
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